Objections to the proposed transfer station are to be in to council by 5th April
Please put your objections to council NOW, via email or personally hand in a wriiten objection (there is no time to post). You must quote the file number: 010.2012.00000336.001 and email your objections to council@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au
For further information please feel free to contact the Bargo Progress Association president Chris Barnes: 0413 999652
The EIS supplied to council by the developer proposes, to divert waste trucks from Great Southern Rd over the bridge near Bargo oval, then travel via Railside Ave to the Wellers Rd Bridge. There is a proposal to remove the recently installed safety islands to allow room for the trucks to turn right over the Wellers Rd Bridge (also some strengthening work to the abutments on the bridge itself). The trucks will then turn right into Great Southern Rd, travel about 100 metres before turning left into a proposed extension of Anthony Rd. The developer envisages from 70 to 100 truck movements per day.
There will be no law enforcing truck to use this route, therefor it is not diffucult to imagine that the drivers will soon start to use the easier option of continuing along Great Southern Rd, past the primary school to the new Anthony Rd extension.
This is one traffic problem which will be caused by 100 very large garbage trucks a day moving through our village. There are many more issues such as odour, noise and property devaluation, to mention just a few.
Flyers will be letterboxed throughout Bargo over the Easter weekend. The flyer contains more detailed information and advice as to how to put your objection in writing to council.
There will also be a petition available to sign. People will be door knocking over the Easter period. It is important to write your objection, as legally, petitions do not have to be considered. It is URGENT that people get their objections in to council BEFORE 4.00pm on the 5th of April.
Please HELP us keep Bargo from becoming Sydney’s waste dumping facility